Member Roles and Guidance
The core responsibilities of the Local Governing Body include curriculum, staffing, premises, admissions and implementation of policies. A scheme of delegated authorities is set out in the appendix. Specific functions include:
A) Agreeing targets, priorities and Key Performance Indicators. These will be written by the Principal and agreed with Liberty Academy Trust's Director of Education. They will then be shared with the Local Governing Body (LGB), the final version being agreed by all. These targets will reflect Liberty Academy Trust corporate targets.
B) The Principal will monitor the agreed targets and report progress on a termly basis to the LGB. The LGB will then convey this progress to the Liberty Academy Trust Board in their termly report. Any major exceptions will be reported by the Principal as they occur, both to the LGB and to the Liberty Academy Trust Director of Education.
C) School development plans are written by the Principal, for agreement by the LGB and approval by Liberty Academy Trust.
D) Liberty Academy Trust sets the key policies and Principals action them, translating them into procedures that work locally. LGBs ensure these procedures are in place and are effective. The LGB will alert Liberty Academy Trust if they feel that any of these policies need changing.
E) The LGB monitors access to the school through Health and Safety and Safeguarding policies.
F) The appointment of School Principals is the responsibility of the Liberty Academy Trust Board. However, the LGB will be included in the appointment process for other senior staff, including the Deputy and Heads of Departments. For all other appointments, the LGB will be informed as a matter of courtesy and be involved in the interviews if required.
G) Monitoring and assisting with the pupil admission and appeals process. (Note that, as an autism school, this designation can only legally be changed by agreement of the Trust and Department for Education.)
H) Liberty Academy Trust sets the budget framework through its corporate targets. The Principal and senior leadership team generate a detailed plan linked to the School improvement plan within this budget framework. The LGB monitors the implementation of this plan with the Principal reporting any significant variances with the Liberty Academy Trust Board being advised accordingly.
I) Liberty Academy Trust will review capital investment across all schools and will make decisions on the allocation of capital between schools, based on School Improvement Plans.
J) The relationship between the Principal and Chair of the LGB is key to the smooth running of the school. The LGB should expect a good level of reporting from the Principal and Senior Leadership Team in order to carry out their monitoring role. The level of reporting from Principal to LGB should be agreed and acceptable to all concerned, including to the Liberty Academy Trust Board.